Wednesday, April 20, 2011

CVS: Free Dove Men+Care Deoderant

$0.99- $1 Manufacturer coupon (3/27RP) = FREE

Starting the week of April 24th, CVS will have Dove Men+Care deodorant on sale for ONLY $0.99 (limit 5). Use the $1 Manufacturer coupon from the 3/27 RP or the Internet printable found here to get the deodorant free.  REMINDER the 3/27 coupon expires on the 24th, so only 1 day to use that coupon. 

Please note: The Manufacturer coupon is more than the cost of the deoderant, so you might have some problems with a cashier who will not want to adjust the coupon, also please note that the printable coupon states it is "redeemable at Walmart".  Thsi coupon is stil reimbursable by the manufacturer, and will scan at CVS, but just a warning about some questions/issues that might arise.

(Thanks Hip2save)


  1. The internet printable says "Redeem at Walmart." Will CVS still accept it?

  2. MrsKeepUp, because it is a Manufacturer coupon, there is no reason it shouldn't be able to be used. However, I am going to edit and note in this post that it does say that and a coupon crazy cashier might give you a hard time. It will scan and be reimbursed by the manufacturer at CVS, but with it being $.99, some cashiers will not be happy about using a coupon to make it free and will probably scrutinize everything.
